An Imago Dei Event: Reflecting on Our Mission in Jamaica

Reaffirming Jalawelo’s values and our commitment to seeing and honoring the image of God in every individual.

At Jalawelo, our unwavering dedication to uplifting communities and fostering sustainable development in Jamaica is deeply rooted in the truth of imago Dei—the belief that every person is made in the image of God. This core principle guides every aspect of our efforts, continually reminding us of the inherent dignity and worth of each individual we serve. Recognizing the spiritual foundation of our mission, we recently held a special imago Dei breakfast event to deepen our understanding of this principle and strengthen our community's bond.

Fifty dedicated Jalawelo supporters gathered for this transformative event, generously sponsored by a business donor who covered all costs. We began with personal reflections and check-ins, creating a space for attendees to connect and prepare for the morning's discussions. The purpose of the gathering was articulated clearly, emphasizing the relevance of imago Dei to our mission. Participants received instructions for an interactive task, designed to foster meaningful engagement. Over a hearty meal, they engaged in thoughtful discussions about the image of God as it relates to our work in Jamaica. We shared a video illustrating the impact of recognizing imago Dei in our Jamaican initiatives, followed by a compelling presentation on why this concept is central to our efforts. These presentations were then followed by deeper, more intimate discussions at each table.

The imago Dei breakfast was not just an event; it was a powerful reaffirmation of our mission and values. By focusing on imago Dei, we emphasize the inherent dignity and worth of every person, a cornerstone of our work to uplift marginalized communities. Bringing together our supporters in this way fostered a profound sense of unity and shared purpose, reinforcing the community aspect of our mission. Reflecting on this Biblical foundation of our work helps us stay grounded and motivated, ensuring that our efforts are not only effective but also deeply meaningful. We hope that delving into the spiritual dimensions of our mission will inspire our supporters to engage more deeply and passionately, driving forward our initiatives with renewed energy.

Jalawelo has developed an imago Dei credo comprising 12 guiding principles. This credo embodies our commitment to seeing and honoring the image of God in every individual we encounter, whether in Jamaica or beyond. The biblical implications of imago Dei are foundational to our work with the underserved, who are often unjustly treated as less worthy or valuable than others in society. By embracing imago Dei, we affirm the intrinsic value of every person, countering societal tendencies to marginalize and devalue those who are uneducated and live in poverty. Our beneficiaries often struggle to see their own worth. Imago Dei teaches them to recognize their inherent value and to understand that they are created in God's image, with equal worth to those who may appear more educated, successful, or wealthy.

The imago Dei breakfast was a timely reminder of the core reason behind Jalawelo's mission. It reinforced our commitment to seeing and honoring the image of God in every individual we encounter. As we continue our journey, we carry with us the reflections and insights from this event. Jalawelo will lean on this truth in all aspects of its work, encouraging our partners and beneficiaries to embrace and live by these principles. By doing so, we hope to inspire a transformative shift in how individuals see themselves and others, fostering a more just and compassionate world.


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