A Journey of Learning and Growth: A Week to Remember at Grange Hill High School

Reaffirming Jalawelo’s values and our commitment to seeing and honoring the image of God in every individual.

In mid-July 2024, the Jalawelo team hosted a Summer Academy at Grange Hill High School in Westmoreland, Jamaica. The timing of the Academy was particularly challenging due to the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, which had just swept through Jamaica. Many students were still without electricity, and power was only restored to the school the weekend before the camp began. Despite these obstacles, we pressed on, knowing that our presence and support were important for the students.

The one-week intensive program aimed to equip high school students with the academic tools for their growth and success. Despite the challenges posed by Hurricane Beryl, the academy turned out to be a deeply impactful and inspiring experience for both the students and the Jalawelo team. The week was filled with energy, fun, enthusiasm, and growth. Our team of six, which included our representative in Jamaica and five members from the US, worked tirelessly to ensure the program's success. 

One of the most humbling moments early in the journey was an unexpected offer from a donor who graciously covered the entire cost of the camp. This act of kindness was a powerful reminder to us of God's unwavering faithfulness to Jalawelo over the years. As we continue to seek His wisdom, guidance, and provision, we are confident that he will provide all we need to do the work He has called us to do.

The Summer Academy Program

The Summer Academy was designed to address several key areas essential for student development through a blend of interactive workshops and hands-on activities:

Enhancing Mathematical Understanding and Problem-Solving Abilities

Mathematics is crucial for academic success. However, nearly all the students we had worked with during our partnership of over a year with Grange Hill High School struggled with math. Our decision to host the camp was based on our observations of these students over many months. We wanted to not only help the students but to also gain a deeper understanding of this academic problem to guide our programs in the future. Our intensive math workshops focused on enhancing problem-solving skills and building a solid understanding of core mathematical concepts. The hands-on activities and engaging exercises helped students develop confidence and approach math with renewed enthusiasm. Students actively participated in problem-solving exercises and collaborative learning activities, making math both fun and challenging.

Equipping Students with Effective Study Techniques

Effective study habits are vital for academic achievement. We provided practical tools and strategies to improve time management, organizational skills, note-taking, and test preparation. Our goal was to empower students with the skills they need to study efficiently and excel academically. Our sessions on effective study techniques were met with enthusiasm as students eagerly learned new strategies and applied them to their academic work.

Fostering a Positive Attitude Toward Learning

A positive attitude can significantly impact a student's academic journey. Our program included activities designed to inspire and motivate students, helping them view challenges as opportunities for growth. By fostering a supportive and encouraging environment, we aimed to instill a lifelong love for learning.

Building Confidence in Academic Skills

Confidence plays a crucial role in academic success. Through fun and interactive workshops, we worked to build students' self-esteem and academic skills, helping them recognize their potential and develop a strong sense of self-belief.

Exploring Faith and Personal Beliefs

Spiritual reflection is integral to our approach at Jalawelo. We incorporated daily devotions that focused on the awesomeness of God, emphasizing that we are made in His image and that He loves us and desires a relationship with us. These daily spiritual reflection sessions provided students with a deeper understanding of God's love for them.

The success of the Jalawelo Summer Academy at Grange Hill High School is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team and the incredible enthusiasm and commitment of the students. With fifteen students participating, our goal was to make a long-term investment in their future while also gaining a deeper understanding of the academic challenges they face. We intentionally limited the size of the summer academy to focus and invest in a small group of committed students. This initiative was not about numbers but about depth of impact. Our approach allowed us to closely observe the students' struggles and gain a deeper understanding of why these struggles existed. This thoughtful and informed strategy ensures that our efforts are both effective and sustainable.

Despite recent hardships and ongoing power issues, we were inspired by the students' resilience and eagerness to learn. This experience has reinforced our commitment to providing holistic support and addressing the broader challenges faced by the communities we serve.

One particularly touching moment occurred after our morning devotions. After praying with the students, one asked me to wait. He then made his own heartfelt prayer that our plane wouldn't be able to leave the island so we could stay longer. This sincere gesture underscored the deep connections we formed and the impact of our presence. The students knew that we genuinely cared about them, which went beyond academic learning.

Continuing the Journey

As we reflect on this enriching experience, we are reminded of the importance of providing students with the tools and support they need to thrive. At Jalawelo, we remain committed to our mission of fostering personal development and spiritual growth, and we are eager to build on the success of this program in future initiatives.

Our experience has shown us that we can make a lasting difference in the lives of young learners and help them achieve their full potential. This journey has only just begun, and we are excited to continue making a lasting impact.


An Imago Dei Event: Reflecting on Our Mission in Jamaica